What can the CoC do for my organisation?
Developing Resilience
The Challenge of Change (CoC) Resilience programme is about combining productivity and well-being. When people master the first steps of the programme, Wake Up and Control Attention, they can attend to work without distractions, their thinking is clear, and productivity rises. On the programme, participants readily identify periods like this, describing them as being 'in the zone' or 'in flow.' They say time just seems to fly, their senses are heightened, work flows, problems dissolve, ideas spark and they have feelings of mastery. They enjoy being at work, and they achieve more of their goals.
All workplaces can generate strong emotional reactions. Steps three and four of the programme acknowledge this, and show people how to retain the passion but at the same time to be able to detach and let go of negative emotions which cloud their judgments. Attachment to negative emotion compromises relationships, thinking styles and performance, and the steps show people how to:
- bring better perspective to decision-making and relationships
- to let go of real or imagined wrongs of the past so that they're no longer pre-occupied with imagined adverse futures
- have more harmonious relationships with others and to be more compassionate
Becoming detached and letting go free people to focus on the task at hand, as well as freeing them to be able to think more creatively about improvement, innovation and 'what's next'.
Our clients have used the Challenge of Change Resilience workshops:
- As part of leadership programmes. These clients see Resilience as a core leadership competency
- As part of ongoing learning and development. This group of clients offers the programme three or four times through the year, and all staff are free to enrol, with their manager's support.
- For teams whose work demands are about to go through a peak. For example, a new IT system is being introduced, peak season is coming up, a new service is being launched, or there is a change to the work flow.
- For teams and people whose work is changing. For example, some work may be being outsourced, the work flow is being digitized and requires new skills and a different way of working with clients, or work previously sitting in another part of the organisation is being absorbed by a different team.
- Before restructuring. Our programme is a way of supporting people while a new structure is being determined, and the future shape of roles and teams is uncertain.
- As part of a health and safety or well-being programme. A variation of this programme reduced secondary sick leave by 50% in one organisation. (There was no change in a control group.) Many organisations also recognize stress as a hazard in health and safety legislation or case law, and view the programme as a risk management response to stress.
If like a growing number of leading NZ organisations you would like to benefit from The Challenge of Change Suite of Integrated Services, then why wait, please get in touch today.